Mexican Auto
While many auto insurance companies provide limited coverage into Mexico, all of the rules change when you cross over the border, where your U.S. based insurance is not recognized by the Mexican authorities.
At Martin Insurance Consultants, our independent agents work to understand your unique circumstances so that we can better protect your interests when writing your Mexican auto policy. We can answer your questions about which coverages, limits, and deductibles are right for you.
Call us today to ensure you have a Mexican Auto Insurance policy that will protect you, your auto, and your passengers while south of the border. We are also happy to answer any additional questions you might have about traveling in Mexico. Our knowledgeable agents are here to help you protect yourself and your family.
Martin Insurance Consultants can also insure your condo, townhouse, and boat or watercraft in Mexico.
One size does not fit all.
Since every situation is unique, your insurance portfolio should consist of a unique blend of coverages, limits, deductibles, and premiums. With our individualized approach, you receive a portfolio as unique as you.
There when you need us.
Rest assured that when you have a claim, you are not alone. Not only do we counsel you about your claim, we are also your advocates. Request your free, no obligation insurance review today!
We write insurance in Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Illinois, North Carolina, New Mexico, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.